  • Dota 2 – Valve Finally Releases New Hero MARS- God OF War.

    Dota 2 – Valve Finally Releases New Hero
    MARS- God OF War.

    The warrior deity Mars thrives in the heart of strife, guarded by the bulk of a deadly shield as he skewers enemies with his legendary spear. He revels in facing opponents in an arena ringed with loyal spearmen—who guarantee that no one escapes and that whatever odds he's facing, the god of war can dictate the terms of battle knowing the crowd is forever on his side.

    “Personally I think This hero is Over-Powered AF which is Generally case with the all new heroes. Gods Rebuke ability is quite OP, All that attack block from front and sides and also the crits. His ultimate is also Awesome – Monkey king ult , Widow Ult Combination will be devastating. I would say this hero is “Ultimate Dive Hero”. So guys Practice Mars little bit as it has easy mechanics and Gain That sweet MMR Baby...  “

    ·        Recommended Roles-

    *Carry    *Initiator     *Disabler    * Durable

    ·        Abilities- 

        1.     Spear of MarsMars throws his legendary Spear with deadly precision, damaging each enemy unit it strikes. The first enemy hero it hits is skewered on the spear, pushing it back. If a skewered hero hits a tree, building, or cliff, they will be impaled to it and stunned.

    2.  God's Rebuke- Mars smashes enemies in front of him with his shield, knocking them back and damaging them with a critical hit based on his attack. Bonus damage is added when hitting heroes. Has True Strike.

    3. Bulwark- Mars wields his massive shield to block a portion of each physical attack when hit from the front or sides.

    4. Arena of Blood- After a short formation time, Mars summons an arena lined with the undead warriors of the Ash Legion, who block enemy attacks and movement. Enemy heroes near the inside edge of the arena will be attacked by spears, dealing damage and knocking them back.

    ·         Recommended items.

    Starting items:

    ·          Tango's health regeneration helps Mars stay in lane.
    ·          Healing Salve also restores health to Mars.
    ·          Enchanted Mango restores mana so Mars can keep nuking his enemies.
    ·          Stout Shield provides damage block so Mars can resist enemy harassment.

    Early game:

    ·          Boots of Speed help Mars get into position to use his abilities.
    ·          Magic Stick provides burst health and mana restoration to keep Mars fighting.
    ·          Soul Ring allows you to constantly use Spear of Mars and God's Rebuke.

    Mid game:

    ·          Phase Boots gives extra damage to multiply with God's Rebuke's critical strike, and gives Mars the mobility to get better angles of to use Spear of Mars.
    ·          Magic Wand, upgraded from  Magic Stick, provides additional attributes.
    ·          Blink Dagger positions Mars to land stuns with Spear of Mars, and to initiate with Arena Of Blood.
    ·          Vladmir's Offering provides Mars with mana restoration and armor, along with lifesteal and bonus damage that quickly heal him when using God's Rebuke.
    ·          Desolator debuffs groups of enemies when used with God's Rebuke.

    Late game:

    ·          Black King Bar grants spell immunity and magical damage resistance, combining with Bulwark's attack damage reduction to help Mars survive in fights.
    ·          Radiance deals passive damage while Mars tanks with Bulwark, and disables enemy  Blink Daggers inside Arena of Blood. The extra damage also improves critical damage from God's Rebuke.
    ·          Pipe of Insight's magic resistance complements Mars' high physical resistance.

    Situational items:

    ·         Blade Mail returns enemy attack damage as they are trying to break through Bulwark.
    ·         Mjollnir grants a chance for every unit hit by God's Rebuke to proc Chain Lightning. Static Charge will also trigger repeatedly when Mars is tanking with Bulwark.

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